Who is ASI ?
ASI – the acronym for Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries is a grouping of Adventist lay persons ( not involved in gospel work ) involved in business, industry, education, and/or services. The association exists to provide a networking platform and Sharing Christ in the Marketplace as well as support the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The chapter for English speaking churches in Harare shall be so guided, bringing together members from English speaking churches within the East and North Zimbabwe Conferences of the Seventh Adventist Church. The association shall continue to be driven by the global thrust of SHARING CHRIST IN THE MARKET PLACE.
Our Vision
ASI and its members will be known for their unswerving honesty in business principles and practices, unflagging participation in the various ministries of the Church, unwavering positiveness toward Church leadership, unhesitating provision for the needs of others, and untiring focus on the Christ they represent in the marketplace.
Short Term Focus Areas of Work
It is our dream that our ASI chapter shall focus but limit itself to the following areas of work to start with:
- NETWORKING AND SUPPORTING EACH OTHER’S VENTURES – by coming together, we will provide an opportunity for our members to know what other association members are doing and as such enable us to support each other in our areas of work. We intend to create a website, WhatsApp, directory of services and other relevant communication mediums that will not only showcase our ventures to our membership and the rest of the world, but also such interactive platforms that will enable the public to access our services.
- BUSNESS TRAINING AND SKILLS ENHANCEMENT – we hope to enhance or sharpen our member skills and know how on latest business trends and ideas through running business schools / short seminars leveraging on the skills and connections within our network. The association will also play a leading role in promoting and encouraging the upholding of the highest ethical and moral business standards among members again through training and reminders to members.PROJECT INCUBATION – we shall endeavour to provide incubation support to those of our faith embarking on the journey of business start-up. This support shall come by way of financing support for deserving ideas and technical and mentoring support for the start-ups.
- FUNDING OF SPECIFIC CHURCH PROJECTS - God has put resources in our hands so that we can carry out the work. As we build the capacity to fund church projects through building and supporting business persons, we must identify and fund specific church projects e.g. camp site.
- EVANGELISM – I believe we are Adventist Christians before we are business persons and as such have a responsibility to carry out the great commission through evangelism through our businesses networks.
It is our team desire to encourage you to join the march together with fellow Adventists in our sisterhood of churches. The temptation to use past failures as an excuse not to participate is always high, but as the risk of plagiarising a well known speaker I will say “ask not what ASI will do for you, but rather consider what you can do to make our network a fruitful and rewarding one for all of us”